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We want you to love b.WR as much as we do. In fact, we GUARANTEE you'll love it.
For sanitary and hygienic purposes, we cannot accept returns, but if you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, please contact us and we will refund the price of one pair within 14 days of purchase.
If your new underwear doesn’t fit perfectly, contact us with your order number and desired size within 14 days of purchase and we’ll offer a one-time size exchange.
We're all about your comfort and well-being after all, so we want to make sure you love it and it fits and feels just right.
 Submit your one-time exchange request here, and be sure to check out our size chart to ensure the perfect fit.
Of course, we’re here for you 24/7 to help with any and all questions or feedback you may have. Send us an email and let's chat.